
"Mommie Mommie," said eight-year old Ron in bewilderment, "this lady on the television says that forest area of about the size of
Ron’s Mom is not the only one who is guilty. There are innumerable people suffering from the green guilt. Did you know that a Catholic priest Dom Anthony Sutch, the Benedictine monk in
Uncle Earth needs us!
This might seem as a fictitious story for you all but this is not fiction. It is a fact. Our Uncle Earth is sick and we all need to save him before he passes away forever and fades out somewhere in the huge galaxy. We don't want it to disappear, do we? We all can contribute our bit towards saving this pretty planet. Every drop makes an ocean and when all of us stand united to help our Uncle then we bet no one can harm him. Never say “Why should I?” because it will not lead you anywhere. Always think “Why not I?” This is best described in Westley, Zimmerman and Patton’s great book Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed, “Emergent systems thrive on interdependencies. Moreover, what may appear at a particular moment as a defeat can, from a systems perspective, attract needed energy to support unexpected realignments and new synergies…This is all part of the inherent uncertainty that characterizes complex dynamics.”(Lacroix, The Charity Village)

FSC is a part of one such system that enables us to fight the feeling of defeat and uncertainty. They are the ray of light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. Who are they? Spies? Policemen? Watch guards? Political figures? Read on to find it out!
What is FSC?
-Are they bunch of good guys trying to stop the bad guys by giving medicine to Uncle Earth?
Being environmentally friendly has become a popular and a fancy trend in most of the developed cities. FSC is one of the means of using ecologically friendly products. FSC is an abbreviation for the
FSC has brought significant changes to the environment by doing its own bit. People who are well educated and can afford to go green by using the products having this logo. The use of FSC certified products immensely reduces the possible damage to the environment caused by non-FSC products. You must be wondering how? Well, FSC logo can be obtained by companies, organizations as well as communities who are interested in responsible forestry. It provides a trademark assurance to them and aims to reduce the destruction caused by people using forest without showing any concern to the environment and its adverse impact on our Uncle. However, if you are one of the cynics who believe that they might be fake, let us inform you that FSC is an independent, non-government, not-for-profit organization that is committed to improve the conditions of the forest.
As the education level is increasing, people are becoming more aware of the environmental problems caused by rapid industrial and economic growth. Some people are already determined to change their consumption pattern from traditional to environmental friendly. FSC helps people to know that the products which they buy have been produced in an eco-friendly way. This was from the consumer’s viewpoint; how about the manufacturer? We know what you are thinking! It should be noted that there are numerous companies hoping to develop a green image to win market shares and work in a socially responsible manner by conserving the limited resources of the world. Now, FSC works for both these group of people. It bridges them by using a logo: combined with a tick and a tree denoting that we need to use trees correctly.
Does this work? You bet! As Mitch Baranowski puts it, “Trustmarks help ensure companies follow best practices by setting clear and transparent standards. They serve as important proof points for overall brand messages and stories. And they can provide an objective, third-party stamp of approval that demonstrates how companies are following through on their social and environmental claims.” (GreenBiz Staff, Greener Computing). Doesn’t it make FSC the ‘good guys’? At least little Ron would think so :)
FSC- a possible cure for Uncle Earth’s illness?
FSC accredited certified products to use its logo. It implies that those products with the logo would not impose unnecessary or excessive amount of damage to our Uncle. Now, wouldn’t that make Ron a happy kid to realize that we can save our Uncle? There are a lot of companies that operate their business for the sake of profit figure with clear disregard to the potential harmful effect on earth. However, to get the FSC stamp they need to follow certain rules like:
a) Prohibition of conversion of forests or any other natural habitat
b) Prohibition of use of hazardous chemicals
c) Respect of Human Rights with particular attention to indigenous peoples
d) No corruption – follow all applicable laws
e) Identification and appropriate management of areas that need special protection (e.g. cultural or sacred sites, habitat of endangered animals or plants)

People pay more for the product with the FSC labeling. But the FSC label deserves what it has by differentiate from other ecological label. “For the industrial forestry company, the rationale is material reward: increasing price, greater market share, or easier access to markets.” (GreenerDesign Staff). The company with FSC label promises to respect international workers and other human rights with particular attention to indigenous peoples. It sets up a higher standard of certifying as a FSC labeling product if the company would like to impose the label on it.
FSC enjoys the most widespread credibility in the marketplace and enables the consumers to make purchase decisions that benefit people and the environment. The ideas of this label aim to persuade people to buy good wood and to promote environmental sustainability. Deforestation and forest degradation produce about 20% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions (Monga Bay). It shows that higher the exploitation of the forests, higher the pollution. Every family may not have a kid like Ron to remind them of Uncle Earth’s problems, so it is essential to educate people about the environmental sustainability and how the FSC could benefit the world ecology. We would be glad if all of you could spread the word around. This word-of-mouth publicity can snowball and lead to a very effective result.
Ron loves this video. Do you?
After his mom somehow managed to console him, Ron was composed. However, that did not stop him from asking his mother, “Mom, shouldn’t we do something? Can we? I like trees. They are my friends. They never ask anything from me and my teacher told me that we get oxyciogen from them. It is something very important for us!” With a smile on her face, his mom replied, “Son, it is OXYGEN. Yes, it is very important. And we can do something. All of us can. Remember what we had studied last night. Where there is a will, there is a way.”
With these thoughts, we would be glad if you could watch the following video. We hope that you can relate to it and understand our perspective. We would be glad to know your views on it as well:
Thank you for watching our video. You must be wondering what is FSC, right? But before moving on to that question let us explain a few details of our video. You would have noticed that the video was divided in two parts:
1) Negative
2) Positive
The script for both the parts was same. When you read the script from the top to the bottom it was understandable that the tone was negative and made the viewer think that it had an “I-don’t-care” attitude. However, reading the same script from the bottom to the top revealed a completely different meaning- it gives the viewer a sense of optimism and a ray of hope, thereby, illustrating the fact that things can be different. All we need to do is to change our perspective. Everything depends on our own outlook. Just as the clichéd saying goes, “the glass can be half-full or half-empty.” Our video tries to focus on the viewer’s emotional mindset and tries to convince them that “impossible is nothing”. Moreover, we wanted to have visual appeal as well so we used only three colours throughout the video- white, red and green. We believed that red signified ‘alertness’ while green symbolized ‘hope’ and that is why when we start to read from the bottom to the top, the colour of the font changes from red to green subtly hinting the viewer that he can indeed make a difference by using FSC. We deliberately refrained from using any pictures. This made our video more serious and thoughtful.
In the video, we try to develop a plot by moving chronologically, driven by a specific theme and using a range of emotional words like apathetic, foolish, stupid, etc. These negative words trigger the emotions of the viewers and make them realize the seriousness of this issue. Furthermore, we have repeated the phrase, “Save the world, save yourself,” a number of times to reinforce the whole idea that if we need our future generation to survive it is essential that we try to save the world by chipping in our bit.
Why should
HK is a metropolitan and affluent city in which we can hardly taste and experience the real impact of environmental problems caused by the globe. When asked about the attitude of
We believed that on of the best ways to make them understand the problem would be to shock them and take them on a guilt trip. As a result, we started our video by stating that, “I am a part of this materialistic and indifferent generation.” We also tried to state more serious things and use the ‘appeal to the authority’ method by stating what the experts thought along with the ‘appeal to the emotion’ method by talking about their children and their future. This, we believe, would have struck their emotional chords. Throughout the video we focused on the Aristotelian appeal of “ethos and pathos.” We thought that it would paint a more legitimate and moving picture of reality or illuminate the truth.
However, just talking about the problem isn’t an effective method to convince the future customers. So, we try to help them to alleviate their guilt by asking them to use FSC that would provide them with “positive utility”. The strategy of “penny-a-day” is very efficacious in this situation because it is too far-fetched to think that people would immediately donate all their life savings towards this noble cause. People in cities like

What makes us believe that people would change their behaviour?
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,” these were Mahatma Gandhi’s famous words that led to the peace movement in India which eventually resulted in India’s independence from the shackles of the British rule. In simple words, this philosophy of trying to be ‘good’ even to the one who hurts you would eventually change the person hurting you did work.
Now, this is very similar to the altruistic behaviour where people try to help others without looking for their own benefit. For instance, ever wondered why do you shell out your hard earned penny to the beggars? What makes you do that? Do you get nay benefit? No! “Positive relationships with others have always been a more natural basis for self esteem than either material objects or illusions about money or power.” (Altruism) When we behave in an altruistic fashion we do it for our own self esteem. It is this feel good factor that makes us do more philanthropy. It eggs us on to consistently continue to donate and care for the others. We try to use this philosophy in our video when we take the viewers on the guilt trip to make them realize there wrong doings and also give them some ways they can alleviate their guilt.

Why does Ron’s mother get a shock when Ron asks her about her contributions? Why can’t she reply? It is simply because it makes her guilty that when an eight-year old could understand the sensitivity of this issue, then how could she, a supposedly ‘knowledgeable’ woman, fail to realize this? We are sure that you would definitely not like to be in her position, would you? So, it becomes extremely essential for us to start doing our own bit so that you don’t feel the same guilt.
Our message is simple to all of our readers:
“Each one. Teach one.”
After all, we all love Uncle Earth! Hopes he gets well soon!
· Gledhill, Ruth. "Priest offers festival-goers the chance to confess their green sins." The Times 30 August 2007.
·Lacroix, Pattie. "Stories create the connections necessary for social innovation ." 17 March 2008. The
·GreenBiz Staff, Most Green Labels Fail to Catch Shoppers' Eyes, Survey Finds . September 23, 2009 Greener Computing.
· G· Greener Design Staff, Steelcase Earns Sustainable Forestry Certification, Pollution Prevention Award. October 08, 2008 Greener Design.
· "
·"Re-Establishing Altruism As A Viable Social Norm." Altruism- What is it?.
*Opinions Opinions*
Shania asked us about our penny-a-day strategy:
"Do you mean the HK local buy the qualified products with FSC label at higher price and divide their extra cost into daily basis in order to make it look small?"
However, we were glad that Robert took a note of her concern and replied to her query! As he had stated, penny-a-day may not necessarily mean paying a little amount of money to buy something, it might also be taken in terms of the psychology. We try to make people believe that everything is possible if we give our best shot to achieving certain goals in life. Every drop makes an ocean.
Moreover, you also wanted to know more about the products-
-"I can hardly imagine what kind of “forest products” I can consume except for 1-2 pencil (plus 10-20 throwaway chopsticks but they’re free) per semester."
-"Are there any examples of green products labeled FSC?"
-"can you give some more examples of the product with the FSC label besides the pencils, and show more photos to us?"
Again, FSC has not only pencils but also has cosmetics, wooden bowls, chopsticks, wooden planks, timber for show pieces, et al. You can find more information of their webpage: http://www.fsc.org. Here are some pictures of these products:
"Many famous Hong Kong entrepreneur donate billions of Hong Kong dollar to mainland
We believe you have already answered your question. You state that HK entrepreneur donate millions of dollars to China. Aren't they pat of the same country? Isn't HK a SAR of Mainland China? Other than the political bit, our research wasn't really limited to CityU, it was an exchange student's opinion that we stated. He provides us with another perspective. A perspective of an individual who doesn't even live here. We had also asked the locals and mainlanders about this and they ended up giving the same answers. Due to the need to keep the blog short and interesting we decided to state just one individual's views and not everyone's :)
Thanks a lot once again to all the people who shared their views on our blog. We are glad that the number of visitors on our blog has soared to 1,150! This only encourages us to work harder! We are also getting people not only from Hong Kong but also all around the world who have been visiting and hopefully reading the blog as well :) Reading all your comments and views gives us immense satisfaction and we applaud all your efforts of reading and commenting. We hope that our final blog on *Ethics* would be liked by one and all! See you guys soon with our next blog :D
Thank you for your sharing.
I do like your blog. I like the opening of your blog. The case of Ron catches my eyes and go ahead to read your blog.
Also, I like the way you wrote. It likes you are talking to me and telling story to me. It is really good.
Besides, it is good to use sharp colors to highlight some important points.
But, I think your video is not good enough to get readers' attentions. It seems boring as it is just showing words. No pictures and no images to catch others eyes. People may not be patient enough to watch the whole video. Thus, it is better to have some pictures or images insider rather than words only.
Thanks again for the sharing.
Thank you for your sharing! I really like your group’s idea of using a story-like introduction. It easily draws reader’s attention. Besides, the story itself is quite inspirational and brings out the new idea – “green guilt”. Actually, I think it is quite a new idea for HK people since environmental education is a bit lagged behind compared to other well-developed areas. It is a brilliant introduction! : )
After reading your elaboration on the video, I found it is really interesting and innovative. However, to me, the video is a bit boring since it is full of words. Without reading your elaboration, I think I would probably miss the most important message that you guys want to convey. Although the background does bring a kind of seriousness and urgency, just like what 3430_hogan has said, it is really hard for audience to go through the video line by line since people easily lose their attention and patience when reading a long article.
Thanks again for the sharing. I do learn a lot about FSC. By the way, I really like using different colors to draw readers’ attention on important words. It is reader-friendly!
Thanks for your sharing! I enjoy a lot every time I visit your blog~! You’re so knowledgeable and make me learn a lot by reading your words!
It’s really time for us to take measures to protect our earth. Rather than saying Uncle Earth needs us, maybe he can enjoy a better life without us... Human beings’ activities have caused big damages to the environment so far, while the main reason is that they always pay too much attention to the current economic benefits. We’re not good nephews, and that’s why our Uncle Earth doesn’t like us!
I like your story-telling style, however, in the rhetorical strategies part, you mentioned using the “penny-a-day” strategy for HK people “asking them to use FSC…attract the middle and lower class people”. I have a question that how this strategy is related to “FSC”? Do you mean the HK local buy the qualified products with FSC label at higher price and divide their extra cost into daily basis in order to make it look small? Or you mean that they buy FSC products and accumulate their support in a “penny-a-day” way? But forest products are not like other products with recycle/fair trade label which we need purchase frequently. For me, I can hardly imagine what kind of “forest products” I can consume except for 1-2 pencil (plus 10-20 throwaway chopsticks but they’re free) per semester. What’s more, why not simply encourage people to use products made from other materials rather than wood in order to protect the forests? For example, use marbles instead of timber floor? And for the product coverage of FSC, is it applied to all kinds of forest products?
Unlike the previous commentators, I enjoy your video a lot!I also felt the speed for the green part is much faster than the beginning red part. Like the daily experience that we need to stop when the traffic light turns red and go when it turns green. The green part is encouraging and full of hope. I admire that you made advantage of psychology when you made you video. Simple as it is, it is really convincing. And I also like the background music!Maybe you can put the name of the song in your reference part and share with us,or at least with me!
Thanks again for your posting~ Look forward to your next blog~!
Your blog is really interesting at the beginning. It’s a very good idea to make it as a story instead of blog. I think most of our classmate didn’t have such an idea in their mind. And I really appreciate that your video makes better use of the colour, red and green, which have different values in our perception and also are sensitive to our human’s brain.
However, I don’t really like your ‘video’ contain a lot of words. I knew that words are convincing enough but pictures, music, and video are much powerful. As we all know, words are easily to be forgotten after years. And visual images can be sustained much longer in our memory comparing to words and that’s why we can remember the story of the advertisements on TV a longer time but we forgot a large proportion of we have studied and remembered just after the examination. So I think you should add more pictures in your video clip to make it powerful and audience can remember it after years and years.
Moreover, if consumers want to buy green products of FSC to protect our earth, are there any examples of green products labeled FSC? It’s better to give some specific examples so we will be alerted next time in buying the same specific products. So we will refuse the stuff without the FSC stamp on it. Instead of the individuals do’s, I think institutions in HK are able to do something to help too. For examples, asking them to put more resources on planting trees after cutting a tree especially those industries have to use paper as raw materials. You may write something about what institutions can do in helping.
Your blog is really fascinating and I really enjoy in reading to know more about FSC. Thanks you for your nice work. Keep working on it.
Thank you for your sharing. You give us a lot of valuable ideas, but I have some questions of your rhetorical strategy.
First, I don’t agree what you say about Hong Kong people who are materialistic and selfish individuals. As I known, Hong Kong people are eager to help people. For example, many famous Hong Kong entrepreneur donate billions of Hong Kong dollar to mainland China and Hong Kong people will donate a large amount of money. I think you evaluate Hong Kong people with biases. You only have some relationship with students in CityU, so you can not see the whole picture.
Second, I think the “penny-a-day” is not relate to donate money in this situation. The strategy is to persuade people to do a little change. For example, when FSC products are more expensive than other products or shop which sell FSC products is farther than others, you can persuade that customers should do some sacrifice to buy FSC products. To protect earth, people don’t need to donate a lot of money or do some great things. They can do some simple and easy things to change the world. I think it is “penny-a-day” psychology.
Thanks for your sharing. I like your story-telling introduction and video. It is so attractive to start treading your blog.
I enjoy your video which induces me to think more about our earth. Although it has words only, however, it acts like a people telling stories to you. When you follow the speed of words appearing, you will wish for words to show up faster. This encourages me to addict reading until it finishes.
Nevertheless, your analysis of Hong Kong people is a bit biased. You cannot use a small group to represent all our Hong Kong citizens. It is quite unfair. Yet you can persuade your analysis by showing up evidence. For instance, you can take photos or movie clips. Or you can show us real life experience. It will be much convincing.
Looking forward to reading your revised blog.
thank you so much for the detailed information on environmental protection. This blog is really inspiring.
Credits should be given to the introduction. Story-telling is well-used to hook up people's attention. To be frank, if plain-introcduction, i.e., merely statement, was adopted here, the whole thing would become very dull and not interesting at all. It would catch peoeple attention and keep them reading. So well done here.
For the video, the information given is good, but it can be better if you use animation or film a real video, since your concept of the video is based on story-telling. (I am telling you this, once upon a time....blah blah blah) so it would be so much better and interesting if the whole story was told by somebody, instead of letting the audence to read.
In a nutshell, it is an inspiring blog.
Thanks for sharing.
It is very impressive of your opening in this blog. You use a story to tell us your blog purpose, it sound interesting and the readers can easy to remember it.
After reading your blog, I can know more about the environment and the weather of the world. Also, I have no idea of FSC, but now I know what is it and we should using ecologically friendly products. I do think that the people pay more for the product with the FSC labeling since the people are more concerning the environmental issues, but I do not see lots of the products have FSC label, so can you give some more examples of the product with the FSC label besides the pencils, and show more photos to us?
I agree that the people in Hong Kong want to act like noble and upper-class, and they purchase a lot of luxury product to reflect their status.” Although The “penny-a-day” strategy and ‘foot-in-the-door’ strategy can increase their donation, I think it cannot stop them to buy lots of luxury things, we should educated the people when they are small and let them know we should not be a materialism.
Moreover, I like you show the message to us at the end, “Each one. Teach one.” it conclude whole blog.
First of all, thanks for your sharing in this blog. I really like your opening of this entry. It’s really interesting and creative and attracted my attention. It’s my first time to hear about the FSC.
For the first video, I think it would be better if you can reduce the number of word. Sometimes, I can’t read though all the words in your video. Also, You should add more picture on the video. It would be a little bit bored to only have the words in the video. I can’t find any difference between blog and your video. You can achieve the same result by writing a blog entry and add the background music.
For the second video, it is much better than the first one. It showed some pictures which can really grasp the attention of the audience. Also, the length of word is shorter which enabled the audience to understand the meaning of the video.
It’s good way to use a story or someone’s past experience to persuade others’ to do something. It’s really persuasive as people don’t want to admit the same error of other or simply learn from others’ mistake. Hence, it really works. At least, it does work on me. Haha :)
Thank you for sharing the information of FSC label, which makes me know more about the problem of global deforestation!
It is a good idea to use a story to link up the whole content which makes your blog coherent and the audience can understand the theory more easily. But I suggest your group to put some photos in your video instead of putting a lot of words to make the video more interesting and persuasive.
It is no doubt that deforestation is one of the biggest ecological problems nowadays. But Hong Kong people do not realize the impact of deforestation and there is not much campaign launched in Hong Kong. But there are some non-profitable organization like Greeners’ Action distribute the pencils which made by recycled paper to arouse public awareness of deforestation. Actually one of the problems caused by deforestation is climate change, I think it is good to use guilt trip to make people feel guilty about it. Let them know more about the consequence and make them know that their contribution of buying the products with that label can change the world in the future.
In order to save Uncle Earth, we need to enhance public awareness about the problem of deforestation and take the action now!
Thanks again for your good work!
Hi Criss Crossing Hitch Hikers
I am Kenny from the Language Clinic. I am a student from the College of Science and Engineering. I am not supposed and prepared to give comments for your group name (which I find it really odd, “Intercultural business communication”?) and any business theories you have applied. (since I don’t even know and I am not qualified to) I can only provide you some layman comments for your blog.
I am supposed to give comments regarding three aspects to you guys, which are "clarity of ideas", "coherence" and "support of evidence".
For “clarity of ideas”, I think you have done a lot of work in researching the information you need to write this blog. But I am not going to say that you are presenting 100% clear to me. The major thing that I would criticize is the layout of your latest blog entry. Two columns of texts and paragraphs with pictures and videos align with each other side by side. I am pretty confused with this type of alignment and I cannot understand the direction of reading at first glance. Unless you did so was to intentionally confuse the readers. Otherwise I don’t think this is the best way to present your ideas. I prefer the layout of the previous article you had written, “McDonaldization”. That piece of article showed readers (me), a clear hierarchy or sequence of reading.
For “coherence”, I think the tone used for writing for the whole blog has been very coherent with a very critical point of view. I think it is really good that you stick on it.
For “support of evidence”, you did show the list of references which you had referred to. The graphics and videos are absolutely something you did well to demonstrate your ideas.
Overall, I would say your blog is very informative but I think more effort can be spent on a better layout of alignment of paragraphs and graphics. It looks somehow too clumsy to read right now.
Language Clinic Student Tutor
College of Science and Engineering
its a very informative article for me!!! people knowing abt it is the need of the hour!!! in India in Mumbai...there were almost no rainfalls this year, we suffered heat!!! and it started raining consecutively for 2-3 days in october and november first week!!
we are destroying the natures balance...so we need to save our "uncle eath"....atleast for our benefit
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